PinnedPascal LutherFirebase 9 & Nuxt.js 🔥With the new version 9 of the Firebase JS SDK, Google drastically changed how you use the Firebase library within your app.Jun 14, 202111Jun 14, 202111
Pascal LutherinThe StartupUse Mapbox Popups With Vue 3Mapbox is super cool. 🥳 Vue 3 is super cool. 🥳Jan 13, 20215Jan 13, 20215
Pascal LutherDeploy a Nuxt SPA App to Amazon’s AWS Amplify ☁This will be a very short guide on how to deploy your Nuxt SPA app on Amazon (AWS) Amplify development platform in a way dynamic routes…Mar 5, 20201Mar 5, 20201
Pascal Luther⏱ Scheduling Firebase Cloud Functions with Cloud SchedulerI recently came across the use case where I needed to schedule a Firebase Cloud Function. I wanted to trigger my function every night to…Jan 13, 20198Jan 13, 20198
Pascal Luther☁ Deploying a Nuxt.js (v2) App to Google App Engine (Google Cloud Platform)This article will help you deplyoing a Nuxt 2.0 application to Google’s App Engine — in no time 🔥.Nov 14, 20183Nov 14, 20183
Pascal LutherNuxt.js (v2), Firestore & SSR 🔥This article will help you integrate Firebase Firestore into a Nuxt.js project while keeping the server-side rendering capabilities that…Oct 31, 201811Oct 31, 201811
Pascal LutherNuxt.js (v1), Firestore & SSR 🔥This article will help you integrate Firebase Firestore into a Nuxt.js project while keeping the server-side rendering capabilities that…Sep 8, 2018Sep 8, 2018